Hapara korupsaun!, se O lakohi naukten sira goza...
“Lucia Lobato Tinan 5 hela iha Becora”

Friday, April 30, 2010

Corruption: PNTL and PDHJ support KAK investigation in East Timor

PNTL support work of KAK to combat corruption, RTTL, 30.04.10

The Timorese Police Commander, Commissary Longuinhos Monteiro, has said that the National Police will fully support the anti-corruption commission (KAK) to investigate corruption cases in the country.

PDHJ calls for academic support, TP, 30.04.10

Deputy Timorese Human Right and Justice Ombudsmen (PDHJ) Rui Pereira, has called for academic support to combat corruption practices in the country.

Deputy PM Carrascalão: “There is no evidence about corruption” STL, 30.04.10

Deputy Prime Minister for Management and Public Administration, Mario Viegas Carrascalão, has said that there was no evidence that proves acts of corruption in the referendum package projects and importation of the Government’s MTCI subsidized rice.

Resident urges Govt to eradicate corruption virus in the country, RTTL, 29.04.10

A local resident of Venilale sub-district, Abilio de Sousa, has called on the Government to eradicate corruption virus in the country, otherwise it will implicate on the Government’s strategic national development plan.

PDHJ: “Any cases should be investigated based on the law” TP, 29.04.2010

The Deputy Timorese Human Right and justice Ombudsmen (PDHJ) Rui Pereira, has said that all the cases should be investigated based on the law by those institution whose role was to combat corruption in the country.

Luta Hamutuk: “Corruption will be on high if Petroleum Law is amended” TN, 28.04.10

Luta Hamutuk Director, Juvinal dos Reis, has said that corruption, collusion and nepotism will increase in the country if the Government amended law for Petroleum to take money more then 3% fro petroleum fund.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Speech by H.E. The Minister of Foreign Affairs during the International Seminar on " Impact of Corruption on National Development of Timor-Leste"

Sua Excelência Senhor Presidente interino do Parlamento Nacional, Dr Vicente Guterres
Sua Excelência Senhor Presidente do Tribunal de Recursos, Dr Claudio Ximenes
Sua Excelência Senhora Procuradora Geral, Dra Ana Pessoa Pinto

Sua Excelência Senhor Presidente da Comissão C do Parlamento Nacional, Dr. Manuel Tilman
Distintos Deputados do Parlamento Nacional
Excelências, colegas membros do governo,
Excelências Senhores Embaixadores
Exmo Senhor Provedor dos D.H.CJ
Exmo Senhor Inspector Geral

Exmo senhores representantes das Agencias, Fundos e Programas das Nações Unidas
Magnífico Reitor da UNTL
Senhores convidados
Senhoras e Senhores

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very happy and indeed proud to host this illustrious International Conference on Anti-Corruption.

I welcome you all to this debate on a topic that is of the utmost importance to the development of our society, and let me congratulate the Commission C for organizing this important conference.

Tackling corruption is a priority for the 4th Constitutional government. This criminal practice not only deprives our citizens of badly needed resources that belong to all, but is also a form of injustice benefiting the very few to the detriment of most.

Corruption tends to form tentacles of influence that undermine the authority and credibility of the State, weakening its effectiveness and undermining the trust of citizens in public institutions.
As a signal of our commitment to eradicating this type of criminality, the National Parliament has already ratified the United Nations Convention on anti-Corruption and has sworn in the new Commissioner of the independent Anti-Corruption Commission.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also preparing Agreements with neighboring countries on mutual judicial assistance in penal matters in order to facilitate cooperation between different Courts of Law and also cooperation agreements with Australia, Indonesia, Singapore and Hong-Kong on money laundering. The Ministry is also ready to submit, for the approval of the Council of Ministers, a Draft Law on International Judicial Cooperation on Penal Matters, which later will sent to the National Parliament.

The aim of this Law is threefold: To allow the penal courts of Timor-Leste to cooperate with courts of other countries; to promote cooperation with the International Criminal Court - ICC, in The Hague; and finally to implement the conventions ratified by the Members of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, promoting judicial cooperation.

The Government has also adopted a police on prevention of corruption which has been coordinate by the office of Vice Prime Minister Mario Carrascalao. I’m please to say that there will be a presentation on this matter from the office of the Vice Prime Minister Mario Carrascalao, and you will have the opportunity of been informed about the extent of this policy
These legal instruments will help our courts not only in the fight against corruption in Timor-Leste, but also in the fight against several types of transnational crimes, including money laundering and human trafficking.

Much remains to be done in the area of prevention activities in educating our society on the perils of corruption and the injustice of illegal income distribution.

It is therefore a matter of the utmost importance that we embrace, with a sense of urgency and determination, the eradication of corruption and transnational crime. I wish you well in your endeavors and welcome you all, once again, to this conference.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Corruption: opinions, positions and efforts in comabating KKN 2010

KAK officials should be paid well, DN, 23 April 2010

The Anti-corruption Commission (KAK) Commissioner, Aderito de Jesus Soares has called on the Parliament to define salary law for the KAK’s staffs in order to prevent bribery from businessmen.

PDHJ will hand over ten corruption cases to Public Prosecution, DN, 23 April 2010

The Timorese Human Right and Justice Ombudsmen (PDHJ) Sebastião Dias Ximenes, has said that his department will hand over ten cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) to Public Prosecution to be processes legally.

PM Gusmão calls on KAK not to investigate free money “Uang rokok” DN, 23.04.10

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão has called on the anti-corruption commission (KAK) not to investigate money for cigarettes or Uang rokok because the amount of such money is small but the KAK should focus on the Government’s National Development Plan as it is believed that corruption will appear in the implementation of the plan.

MP Texeira: TL should have cooperation agreement with other countries, RTTL, 23.04.010

MP José Fernandes Texeira from Fretilin has said that an effective way of fighting against corruption is to have cooperation with other countries such as Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and Portugal in order to extradite corruptors or to have access to corruptors’ bank accounts and assets in these countries.

Ana Pesoa-Soares:“Judicial system should be strengthened before combating corruption”, TLMDC, 23.04.10

The Timorese Prosecutor General Ana Pesoa Pinto and the anti-corruption Commissioner Aderito de Jesus Soares, have said that the most important thing was the country’s judicial system should be strengthened before combating corruption.

It is possible to combat corruption in Timor-Leste: Eva Sundari, DN, 22 April 2010

Indonesian Parliamentary for Finance and Banking Member, Eva K. Sundari, has said that there is a possibility to combat corruption in Timor-Leste, although Timor-Leste is a young country.

Parliament will mobilize civilians to combat corruption, TNewsline , 22.04.2010

Acting Parliamentary Speaker, Vicente Guterres, has said that that Parliament will mobilize civilians to combat corruption appeared at all governmental levels. Guterres made the comment yesterday in his speech marking at the opening ceremony of international seminar with title “Impact of Corruption on National Development” held at the Foreign Ministry hall.

Parliamentary Committee C to hold international seminar, DN, 21.04. 2010

The Timorese Parliamentary Committee C for Finance and anti-corruption President Manuel Tilman has confirmed that they will hold international seminar today to discus about corruption prevention in the country.

Corruption will bring disaster for national development, DN, 20.04.10

Deputy Prime Minister for Management and Public Administration, Mario Viegas Carrascalão, has said that corruption case it the most issues that was concerned by all people, because it will affect negatively to the national development process in the country.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

KORUPSAUN: Ke'e Korrupsaun Komisaun Europeia Prontu kapasita KAK

Dili - (prokaknews) Tuir deklarasaun representansaun Komisaun Europeia ba Timor-Leste, Juan Carlos Rey, "Boa governasaun ne'e pontu ida importante tebes. Ne'e duni Uniaun Europeia sei fo apoiu tomak liu-liu hasae ka professionaliza rekursus humanos nebe haknar iha KAK atu promove responsabilidade no transparencia ba finansas publikas, nune' e mos kria kondisaun nebe presiza para KAK bele halo medidas prevensaun ba Korupsaun, Koluiu no Nepostismu" iha Nasaun Timor Leste.

Tenik tan Juan Carlos Rey," prvensaun ba KKN importante atu hamoris instituisaun estadu tuir prinsipiu "transparencia no governasaun diak" "Ami hare importante tebes ba instituisaun governu nian hodi hetan desentralzasaun nebe importante ba reduzaun pobreza no dezenvolvimentu rai ne'e liu husi dalan diak", defende komisariu Europeu, J.Carlos Ray iha Dili.

Fontes:STL, pajs.1 i 15, data 8 Abril 2010!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Dili - Presidente Republika Dr. Jose Ramos Horta husu ba Komisario Aderito de Jesus husi Komissaun Anti-korupsaun (KAK), Sebastiao Ximenes, Provedor Direitos Ema nian (PDHJ), no Vise-Primeiro Ministru ba Assuntos Administrativos atu apresenta relatorio kona ba korupsaun iha Timor Leste. Chefe Estado RDTL hato'o lia-fuan hirak ne'e ba media nasional iha loron ida fulan Abril 2010 (STL, edisaun, 1/4/10).

Koalia korupsaun, Sekretario Estadu no porta voz IV Governo Konstitusional Agio Pereira hateten ona katak "ema, partido no organisazaun" balun uza korupsaun nudar deit dalan atu hakat ba objektivu politiku" maibe la kontribui atu hamate korupsaun nebe sira temi la para. Exemplo hanesan NGO labeh koalia makas kontra korupsaun, kritika tun sae maibe ladauk hatudu provas atu hatudu sira ninia kredibilidade ka kompromisu hamutuk ho estadu kontra korupsaun, Koluiu no Nepotismu.

Parlamentu rasik mos iha komissaun ida nebe hare mos korupsaun nebe Dr. Manuel Tilman mak kaer...ne'e duni se organizasaun sira, kanal sira nebe estadu kria, partidus oposizaun hamutuk kontra korupsaun, moprokak hanoin koruptor sira la ba do'ok...bele kaer sira hudi hatama iha palacio Becora.
Fonte: STL edisaun 1/4/10